Tuesday 8 September 2015

Book Character Dress Up Day

Mrs Lawn made us a delicious chocolate cake. The lollies say
Read More Books.

Most of Room 7 dressed as ordinary book characters. These students went the 'extra mile'
Maui was The Joker and he won the prize by a class vote. Jessica was a cute  101 Dalmation. 

Cooking Hokey Pokey

In Room 7 Mina and Sivailoa were reading the book "Tas and the Hokey Pokey". They didn't know what hokey pokey was, so Mrs Marriott took them and some other students to make hokey pokey. They really enjoyed eating it!
Ricky, Eli, Sivailoa, Mina and Shalyn
 enjoy making hokey pokey.
They made the hokey pokey in the staffroom.

This is Tas and Josh (from the book) making their hokey pokey.

The recipe.
The end result......hokey pokey!

Planting Seeds with Mrs Fisher

Mrs Fisher is our R.E. tutor. She was teaching us about the importance of planting seeds on the good soil. Make sure we have a good foundation.