Tuesday 8 December 2015

Monday 26 October 2015

Volleyball with Angus

 Room 7 had fun last week with Angus at Volleyball. We learnt how to spike a ball and we practiced having 3 hits. It was hard to get th ball over on the 3rd hit

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Book Character Dress Up Day

Mrs Lawn made us a delicious chocolate cake. The lollies say
Read More Books.

Most of Room 7 dressed as ordinary book characters. These students went the 'extra mile'
Maui was The Joker and he won the prize by a class vote. Jessica was a cute  101 Dalmation. 

Cooking Hokey Pokey

In Room 7 Mina and Sivailoa were reading the book "Tas and the Hokey Pokey". They didn't know what hokey pokey was, so Mrs Marriott took them and some other students to make hokey pokey. They really enjoyed eating it!
Ricky, Eli, Sivailoa, Mina and Shalyn
 enjoy making hokey pokey.
They made the hokey pokey in the staffroom.

This is Tas and Josh (from the book) making their hokey pokey.

The recipe.
The end result......hokey pokey!

Planting Seeds with Mrs Fisher

Mrs Fisher is our R.E. tutor. She was teaching us about the importance of planting seeds on the good soil. Make sure we have a good foundation.

Sunday 23 August 2015

Hampstead B Netball Final

The Hampstead School B team played in the final on Saturday. Unfortunately the other team won

but there was lots of great play

Turbo Touch

We learnt about how to play Turbo Touch with Cat and Cody. We had lots of fun.

Science Alive

We had a great time at Science Alive last week. We had a show in the morning and learnt about light and how it travels. In the afternoon we did activities based on sound so we could discover all sorts of thins for ourselves.

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Phoenix with the Kahaurangi Dancers

The boys enjoyed trying to copy the moves. They were disappointing with their sounds though!

Kahaurangi Dance Group

We had the Kahaurangi Dance Group come and share a variety of Pacific Island dances. They were really good. They had a variety of songs and costumes.

Japanese Visitors

 On Friday the 31 of July the College Japanese group came to school. We sang some songs to them and they did some to us.
Room 6 and Room 7 joined together with 5 of the students. They told us about Sumo Wrestlers. We got to play a game of sumo wrestling by making a paper wrestler and then tapping the box they stood on until one fell over or went out of the circle.

We really enjoyed having these students visiting. Before we knew it their time was up and it was time to clean up.

Saturday 18 July 2015

Cooking Time

At the end of Term 2 Mrs Marriott took Cody and the ESOL students to the hall where they iced biscuits. Everyone had a great time. The biscuits were pretty good too.

Monday 11 May 2015

Hampstead School Cross Country on May 8th.

There was lots of waiting but we cheered
the runners on.
These runners all did 2 laps of the course.
Well done team.

Gemma did two laps. A great effort Gemma.

Dion came 4th in the 3 lap County possibility race.

Jessyca was the only girl from Room 7 to do the serious 3 lap race.
We were proud of your dedication to this Jessyca.